Friday night, July 26th, we played in our hometown of Grove City, Ohio at Plum Run Winery. The turn out was phenomenal! We felt so over whelmed by all the support from our family and friends, and from all who were there that we don't personally know but came out for a good time. We couldn't have asked for a better night. It really was a GREAT time! Thank you ALL for making this night so special for us!

Saturday, July 27th, Started out wonderful as well, had our first interview as a duo with the Grove City Record who will be releasing a story of us this week (So excited). Later in the afternoon we had a great time playing in Grandview, Ohio for the Lazy Daze of Summer Festival with Kennedy Blake.
Being back home and seeing family and friends, even for a short period of time, means so much to us. Thank you all for your love and continued support, it really means a lot.
Below are a couple photos from the events, to see more you can go to our Facebook Page. Also, please like us on Face Book if you haven't done so already, we'd appreciate it!
To the Left - From Friday nights event at Plum Run Winery in Grove City, Ohio.
To the Right- From Saturday's event at Grandview's Lazy Daze of Summer Festival.
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