November is National Alzheimer's Awareness Month
This is something we were recently informed of, and for Alzheimer's Awareness, we would like to feature our song, "I Don't Remember You".
This is a song that was written by a good friend, Jim Taubken, who worked with Alzheimer patients for many years. The words just came to him one night and he got up and just started writing, and when he was finished writing, the lyrics are what we have now. Just by reading the lyrics, so many people were touched and tears came. He then reached out to us and asked about putting music to the words. Within a day, Matthew had the music that fit so nicely with the words.
Alzheimer's hits close to home for me (Sarah). My grandparents had this disease and it hurts so many loved ones that are around them. It started off small, like my grandmother not remembering where she put her checkbook (in the same place she always kept it), but it seemed like it rapidly decreased her memory to not remembering who my grandfather was, but thinking he was her uncle who had passed away many years ago. I remember one time, when I was 16 years old, I went over to their home to give them their medication and they couldn't remember who I was. My grandmother said "You look familiar, now who are you again?" It broke my heart, I tried my hardest not to cry, but as soon as I left, I broke and cried to my parents. It was hard on me, I can't imagine how much harder it was on my dad and my aunts and uncle.
This song captures exactly the way things happen, remembering things, people, or events from the past like "I Love Lucy" and Frank Sinatra, or John F. Kennedy, but not remembering the person you raised or who has been there beside you most of your life, "I know your eyes, they look like mine...but I don't remember you" This line in the song, I think, hits home for so many who are working through the struggles of parents or loved ones with Alzheimer's. The first time this song was played for my dad, there was not a dry eye in the room.
Our hope and prayer with this song is to raise awareness for Alzheimer's and to let others know that there are so many who understand what you are going through.
For more information on Alzheimer's and to join a community visit, www.ALZ.org
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